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June 17th, 2023 by ifi-admin

ILCA Laser US National Championship, August 2023

Scott and Lisa were recruited to serve on the Race Committee for the largest ILCA Class event East of the Mississippi in 2023. Because this prestigious event offered World Ranking Points to the top finishers, it attracted 161 competitors from North America and beyond, including several sailors with Olympic aspirations.

The course for this regatta was the “double-trap” format used at World Championship events and utilized robotic MarkSet Bots. Scott served as the markset boat on the outer course and the finish line.


The Race Committee team for this event included numerous Judges and Umpires with National and International certifications.

On the water, Lisa led and directed all the actions of the Finish Boat. Off the water, Lisa served as the primary Scorer for the event.



2023 Ensign National Championship, August 2023

The Pentwater Yacht Club and the entire resort town of Pentwater Michigan came out to welcome Ensign sailors from across the US and Canada. After a traditional boat parade out the channel onto Lake Michigan, 35 competing boats enjoyed beautiful and occasionally challenging conditions over the first three days of competition.

Racing on the fourth and final day was cancelled due to gale force winds, 9 foot waves, storms, and lightning. Sadly, lightning struck one of the competitor boats tied to one of the  moorings in front of the clubhouse. Fortunately, nobody was on board at the time and the owner had substantial insurance. The entire fleet eagerly assisted local emergency resources and the local shipyard to extinguish the fire and promptly retrieve what was left of the boat. The delightfully positive spirit and camaraderie of the Ensign Class was abundantly evident throughout the event.










On the water, Scott and Lisa served as the windward markset boat and provided numerous pieces of equipment required by the others on the mark set team. Off the water, Lisa served as one of the Judges on the Protest Committee.

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